
PG or VG?

With all the choice out there its confusing to many new comers. Specially when one wants to start venturing out to try new flavors. However the PG VG ratio is a dilemma for many. What is best? What's the main difference? Flavor over vapor? It would be great help to get some feed back. Not many people have tons a cash to dish out; to end up with a product they don't like. I know, I have been forced to vape on juice that I have not like to much, simply because our household's strict budget.  
IMO, I think it's best to stay around a 50 / 50 mix of PG / VG, that way you get the best of vapor, taste and throat hit. A lot of vapers love 70 VG / 30 PG Mix, and some that only vape PG, some vapers have alergies to PG, and only vape VG, and some have had issue with VG and only vape PG. VG is slightly sweeter, and produces more vapor. VG is thicker. But, PG, gives you a better throat hit, and more flavor. PG is thinner. So, with the 50/50 blend, you get the best of both. some cartomizers don't take the ejuice that is 70 vg /30 pg blend or 100% VG because it is too thick, but I have never had any issues with 50 / 50 blend. If you are vaping a tobacco ejuice and you really want that throat hit, and it is around 24 to 32 mgs, then vape it all PG. You will get a great throat hit and taste. If you want the most vapor, then the more VG, the better the vapor, usually. I vape my tobacco ejuice at 70 PG / 30 VG, and everything else is 50 / 50 Blend or more VG.
I like all sorts of blends. I was doing 80/20 when starting out but went up to 70/30 Pg/Vg which is what I stuck with for awhile. Good vapor, great throat hit. Eventually I wanted to try more VG, did a few with 50/50 and a bottle of 100vg. 100vg was very good, liked it but the lack of throat hit ruined it for me. So went 20/80 which was decent as well. Ultimately I think I'm going to stick with just a 50/50 mix since it is the best of both worlds. Good TH, Good vapor, not too thick for any clearos. Win win.
When I bought my first starter kit a few weeks ago I purchased all my ejuice at 80/20 pg/vg. Within a week I was blending juice or cautiously making my own. I like a thicker blend with a higher vg now. Say 50/50 or 60/40 some of the juice I have blended is even 80/20 vg/pg. I like the vapor, but miss the throat hit a bit with the higher vg/pg combo, but the big plus for me is that the juice sits where I put it. With the 80/20 pg/vg juice would run out the bottom of the carto even putting 1/2 a ml in at a time. When you're pinching pennies the last thing you want is juice running out everywhere. I am willing to give up a bit of throat hit if it means I won't ruin a battery. Can you tell I am paranoid and started my research in the "it broke" portion or each forum? lol.. Some cartomizers don't take to the 80VG / 20 PG, too thick and it won't saturate all the way down. Then you get the burnt taste and the cart is ruined. Some 70/30 same thing. The mix of 60% VG / 40% PG or the 50/50 is great because you get the best of both worlds, good throat hit and good vapor. PG will give you the best throat hit for sure, and VG will give you the best vapor, and VG tends to taste a little better, just a little sweeter. PG is thin VG is Thick Some cartomizers ar picky. But, the Boge 2.00 ohm cartomizer works great, even at the 70/30 blend. I fill my with the Taryn Spin way, I can put the maximum amount of ejuice in that way, without flodding the cart, and it fills way faster and it makes sure the juice is all the way from the bottom to the top. Then topping off is easy, and the carts last way longer. You don't get any burn taste. Once you get the burnt taste, even once, the cart is never the same, and you can't clean them and refill them. I have tried a lot of ways to fill carts, but the Taryn Spin works best for me, and it's something that I have just stuck with.

DEFINITE improvement in my health and energy levels

As someone that has used e-cigs for the last six month and seen a DEFINITE improvement in my health and energy levels, I'm stunned that banning e-cigs is even considered as a good idea. While nicotine is NOT something that can be considered "good", getting it delivered in a safer method that cuts down on the health risks is a step in the right direction. Since the e-cigs deliver the nicotine in a method that mimics smoking, the psychological effect of "oral gratification" is also served and makes the transition to a healthier method of nicotine ingestion easier. This should be considered a "win" for everyone. No houses, (or at least a LOT less houses) will be burned down, forests caught on fire, etc.This should be considered a less dangerous method of ingestion from a public safety standpoint as well. (The injured 57 year old man, while unfortunate, is a red herring at best.) Moving right along, studies have shown REPEATEDLY that addiction to cigarette smoking is actually harder to break than that of using HEROIN!!!! (I realize many of you are scoffing at this remark. Do the research and then realize what cigarette smokers are battling.) This is an incredible addiction and it shows why, even with million dollar stop smoking campaigns, that cigarette smoking is stuck at the percentage of users that it currently is. Pragmatism as well as compassion are needed to make a dent in the number of smokers as well as mitigate the effects of our nicotine addiction on the public. We're not unfeeling brutes.... We're addicts!!!!! I'm VERY pleased that I'm not causing people with tobacco allergies risk from my actions. I'm THRILLED that I'm no longer inhaling over 5000 chemical compounds of which hundreds are known carcinogens!!! Not only has my dentist given me a thumbs-up for not having NEARLY the amount of staining of my teeth from my previous smoking of cigarettes, studies have shown that the levels of carbon monoxide in the bloodstream falls to the same level of non-smokers with continued use of e-cigs. In fact, at my last doctor's visit, when I told them during the "are you taking any medications, do you smoke" quiz I told them I don't smoke anymore, that I used the e-cigs, they said "so, you're a non-smoker." How much proof does ANYONE need to realize that in this manifestly imperfect world, that using e-cigs is a step in the right direction??? Please, please, please leave us addicts alone. We know we're hooked. We wish we weren't. I quit for 2 YEARS and ended up being angry nearly all the time. I would get angry during such "stressful activities" as reading a beloved book for the umpteenth time. By myself. In a quiet house and nothing to cause me to feel anger.... And I'd be angry... AFTER 2 YEARS!!!! I TRIED, folks.. I was a success!!! A miserably angry success.... YAY!!!!... I ended up going back to smoking for peace of mind and to be able to RELAX!!! (Did I mention after 2 years?? I'm pretty sure I did.) What would be the point in living longer if I didn't have anyone to share them with because they didn't want to be around Mr. Unpredictably Mad. Why would you wish to do this to smokers that are TRYING to be healthier and be less of the class of lepers? So, please, let us do what we NEED to do!!! No, addiction to anything isn't pretty. (Well, I guess being addicted to random acts of kindness or puppies isn't ugly, but you get my point.) We're trying, folks... We really are.... Don't pull the rug out from under us just as we start to see a light at the end of the tunnel. And thank you... I smoked for over 16 years over a pack a day and was never truly going to quit. Then I bought my first ecig and the rest is history. Tobacco companys are obviously lobbying this bill and footing the money to whomever necessary to get it passed for fear of loss of business. For good reason of loss of business you should be scared!!!! All ecig users and those who smoke that know someone with an ecig are going to turn on to this healthier alternative and dump smoking like a drug addict roommate that can't pay their rent. There is better roommates out there and ecigs are going to put cigarette company's out in their own ash trays. Fear the Ecig community because it is already a thriving loving family of good people.


The Joye eGo-C electronic cigarette become more and more popular now. Technology becomes even important in this industry. After years of development of electronic cigarette, there has been progress in the technology. However, up to now there is no standard for it and its production. Most of manufactures measure the electronic cigarette by their own so-called standards, such as breathing degree, smoke volume, the battery life, the atomizer life. The breathing degree means the strength you need to put forth to breathe, easily or difficulty, whether you feel suffocated compared with smoking the real cigarette. Of course, the smoke feeling also concerns about the smoking habit and the lung capacity. The smoke volume means how heavy is the smoke coming out when smoking, which affects the smoker’s feeling directly. The battery life mainly concerns the capacity of the battery, that is to say how long it can be used for at one charging and how many times of recharging. The atomizer life means how many puffs. For the moment, there are two kinds of atomizer, one is disposable and the other is refilled. The last but most important is e-liquid. The main composition are propylene glycol(propylene glycol),and Glycerol.