510-T is the tank system electronic cigarette based on 510, but it is a failed product.
Normally 510-T has a heavy leakage problem and its mouth feel is far less good than 510.
510-T is no good than 510 in any way, though it has bigger cartridge, it does no help to the user.
So we suggest those beginners of electronic cigarettes to try from normal 510 kits, it will give the inhalers good sensation as real tobacco and help transfer to e-cigs successfully. But 510-T will make your try action end up in a disappoint.
We suggest beginners of electronic cigarettes trying from 510 kits, as it is the most cost effective and mature e-cig products. It is easy to buy and replace the components, with good mouth feel and almost the same appearance of real cigarette, it will make your transition more easy and increase the possibility of success.